• Feel the Love

Nominate a neighbor.
Warm a heart.


New Jersey Nomination Form

Nominations close 8/31

Please provide the following information regarding the person or family you are nominating.

Person Making The Nomination

Your Name*

Your City*

Your State*

Your Zip code*

Your Telephone*

Your Email Address*

Relationship to nominee


Individual or Family Being Nominated

Their Name*

Their Address*

Their City*

Their State*

Their Zip code*

Their Telephone*

Their Email (if known)

How would you best classify the nominee?

Tell us their story, including why this nominee deserves to be chosen as a Feel The Love recipient and the impact that receiving a new furnace or A/C unit this year would have.

List details about current heating / cooling system details if possible

Is this home in need of a replacement furnace and/or major service to the existing furnace?
Does nominee/family own this home?
Is the home a mobile home/manufactured housing?
Does the home have a furnace with complete ductwork system in place, i.e. a central forced air system? (Select no if the home has a boiler or hydronic system, uses a wood stove, electric baseboards, or other heating method)

How Did You Hear About Us (check all that apply)

Newspaper Ad
Social Media
Radio Ad by Local Lennox Dealer
Lennox Dealer Leave-Behind Info
Local Flyer / Poster
Outdoor Billboard
Lennox Dealer Statement / Invoice
Friend or Neighbor Information
Truck Advertising
Veterans Information
Prior Recipient
Prior Nominator
Direct Mail
Other (please specify in box below)

If from a Lennox Dealer, please enter the Dealer name here:
If from a Lennox Dealer, please enter the Dealer number here:
* I have reviewed and agree to program terms and conditions.